28 March 2009

The Looking Glass Wars (Looking Glass Wars #1)

The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor tell the true story of "Alice in Wonderland."

The book that Lewis Carroll wrote was not at all what Alyss had told him. He even spelled her name incorrectly.

Alyss Heart is the princess on Wonderland. Her parents (her mother really) rule the Queendom. Her aunt Redd, the firstborn was sent into exile - unfit to rule based on her attachment to Black Imagination - but has returned to steal the thrown from Queen Genvieve.

During the battle, Alyss and Hatter Madigan, the head of an elite force of protectors to the royal family known as the Millinery, escape through the pool of tears. Alyss ends up on the streets of London 1859. Hatter Madigan ends up in Paris. He must find Alyss and protect her until they can return to Wonderland.

Beddor, Frank. (2006). The Looking Glass Wars. New York: SPEAK.

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