25 July 2007

Tamora Pierce – YA Fantasy Goddess!

I have now read most everything that Tamora Pierce has published. She has quickly become one of my favorite authors. After blogging about 23 of her books, I thought a summary was in order. I HIGHLY recommend you read her books!

Tamora has two sets of books – those that take place in Tortall and the surrounding countries and those that take place in and around Emelan.

One of the great things about the Tortall books is that once you get attached to the characters in the first series, and you finish reading it, you get to see those people in the future books of Tortall. The main character in the first series – Song of the Lioness – shows up in each of the three series that follow. This is true of the Immortals series, Protector of the Small and Daughter of the Lioness. Her newest book in the Tortall collection is Terrier. It is the first of three books that take place 200 years before the beginning of Song of the Lioness. (There are also plans for Tamora to create a book or two on the early years of Numair and the coming of age of Maura of Dunlath – both introduced in the Immortals series.)

Song of the Lioness
Alanna: The First Adventure
In the Hand of the Goddess

The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Lioness Rampant

The Song of the Lioness books follow the life of Alanna of Trebond who disguises herself as her brother “Alan” so she can enter school to become a knight.

The Immortals
Wild Magic
Emperor Mage
The Realm of the Gods

When Daine, Veralidaine Sarrasri, applies for a job to help with the horse of the Queen’s Riders, it is discovered that she has a wild magic that allows her to talk to animals.

Protector of the SmallFirst Test
Lady Knight

Ten years after King Jonathan VI proclaimed that women could become knights, Keladry of Mindelan applies as the first to attempt it. She will be the only girl in 200 years to go to knight school other than Alanna the Lioness who snuck in disguised as a boy.

Daughter of the Lioness
Trickster’s Choice
Trickster’s Queen

Alanna’s daughter Alianne (Aly) of Pirate’s Swoop, does not want to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a lady knight. She wants to follow her father into the spy business. But the gods may have a path already chosen for her.

A Tortall Legend, Beka Cooper


These books take place 200 years before the Song of the Lioness series. Only Terrier is currently available. Beka Cooper is a “Puppy” with the law-enforcing Provost’s Guard, known as the Guard Dogs.

Numair Chronicles, Arram Draper
Tempest and Slaughter

Arram Draper, a powerful though young mage, travels across the Inland Sea to attend magic school in the Carthaki Empire. 

The Circle books revolve around four friends – Sandry, Tris, Daja and Briar – and their teachers. They each have very powerful magic that does not fit into the usual categories.

Sandry – Lady Sandrilene fa Toren – is the niece of the Duke of Emelan and has tread magic; she is a stitch-witch. She discovered her magic after being locked in a dark room and using her magic to keep a light going for days.

Tris – Trisana Chandler – is from the merchant class and has weather magic, everything from lightening to earthquakes. Her family passed her from house to house each time she lost her temper and released tornados or lightening.

Daja Kisubo is a Traveler (those who collect things from the artists and travel to sell them to merchants) and has metal magic. She is the sole survivor of a shipwreck that killed her family.

Briar Moss is a street rat who has plant magic. As he was being sentenced to a life of hard labor for his third conviction for stealing, he is rescued to Winding Circle.

Circle of MagicSandry’s Book
Tris’s Book
Daja’s Book
Briar’s Book

In the Circle of Magic books the friends come to Winding Circle School and learn to control their magic. In the first book, Sandry weaves their magic together making them stronger than most any other mage around.

The Circle OpensMagic Steps
Street Magic
Cold Fire

In the Circle Opens books the friends are separated from each other. Briar, Daja and Tris are traveling with their teachers to learn more of the world and their magic. Sandry has stayed behind to care for her uncle. Each of the four get their first students in this series.

Circle ReforgedThe Will of the EmpressMelting Stones (2008)

After spending a couple of years apart from each other, the four meet again in Emelan. They are not as close as they once were, but when Sandry is called to her lands in Namorn by the Empress she asks Tris, Briar and Daja to accompany her. In The Will of the Empress, they will either have to learn to work their magics together once again or they may not survive.


Tamora Pierce is a great fiction writer. Her books are adventurous, well-written, and believable. Though I love and recommend both series’ I like the Tortall a bit more.

Start reading them today!

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