22 July 2007

Trickster's Queen (Daughter of the Lioness #2)

Trickster's Queen is the second book of the Daughter of the Lioness books by Tamora Pierce. Aly has made it through the summer in the Copper Isles. Her wager with the Trickster god has been fulfilled, but she has decided to stay and help bring about the prophesy of the Raka -

"In a time of fear, the One Who I Promised will come to the raka, bearing glory in her train and justice in her hand. She will restore the god to his proper temple and his children to her right hand. She will be twice royal, wise and beloved, a living emblem of truth to her people."

The Balitang family is no longer exiled to their country estate. They are requested by the new king (a four year old) and his regents in Rajmuat. But along with returning to the capital they may be putting themselves back in harm's way. Aly will have her work cut out for her as the spymaster of the coming rebellion.

Pierce, Tamora. (2004). Trickster's Queen. New York: Random House.

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