25 January 2014

An Inquiry into Love and Death

An Inquiry into Love and Death by Simone St. James is her second thrilling ghost story in England in the 1920s.

Jillian Leigh is an Oxford student. As the daughter of a researcher, she is in the only school at Oxford to admit women. When she receives a message that her uncle Toby has died. Usually, as a single woman in her early twenties, she would never be required to take care of such business, but her parents are in Paris for work.

Jillian leaves for the village of Rothewell on the coast. Toby was a ghost hunter and we in town to research the local ghost, Walking John. But Jillian will have to do more that just pack up Toby's clothes. There is a much deeper story that she must solve before she can leave Rothewell and go back to her old life. And Scotland Yard inspector Drew Merriken also has questions for her.

St. James is a masterful story teller. Her books transport readers back in time and will keep them up late into the night seeking the answers at the end of her stories.

St. James, Simone. (2013). An Inquiry into Love and Death. New York: New American Library.

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