24 March 2007

Stay (Aud Torvingen #2)

Stay is Nicola Griffith's second book featuring Aud Torvingen. The first is The Blue Place. I don't know what exactly to say about Stay that will not give away what happened in The Blue Place...

Aud's friend Dornan pleads with her to find his finance Tammy, who has disappeared. She quickly locates Tammy and goes to NYC to see if Tammy wants to be found. The plot thickens as it appears that Tammy has not been in New York completely of her own free will. And she may not be the only person being affected. Aud may have to save someone else as well.

Again, I don't want to give anything away. This book takes up just after The Blue Place ends. Aud Torvingen is an emotionally complex and fascinating character. Someone you would not want to meet in a dark alley but would want on your side in any fight.

Nicola writes with both beauty and a brutality that is hard to look away from. She is a talented writer who I will be following as long as she is writing. I can't wait for the third book!

Griffith, Nicola. (2002). Stay. New York: Doubleday.

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