09 March 2007

Movie: Shut Up & Sing

The Dixie Chick's documentary Shut Up & Sing was just released on DVD. It follows the story of what happened to them when they spoke out against the war in Iraq, the night before the war started. The part of the statement that was repeated through the media in the US was Natalie Maines, lead singer, stating she was ashamed that the president is from her home state of Texas. In the movie, you get to see the whole context of what was being said. Plus the fact that one of the largest protests in history was happening not far from where the Dixie Chick's were in concert.

The film focuses on what a couple of right-wing groups accomplished. Their music was boycotted by country radio. There cds were smashed. Their lives were threatened. It is an interesting commentary on the state of our freedoms and political climate at the time.

Through this experience they became a better band. (They were already the highest selling band of all time.) Their new cd, Taking the Long Way, is perhaps less country but is an emotional, well-written set of music. It is their first cd where they wrote all of the songs. It shows a side of the Chicks that was previously hidden.

I will admit that no matter what the film showed, and it is (of course) bias toward the Dixie Chicks, I would have loved it. I am a huge fan. However, the Weinstein Company who funded the film does surveys on opening day of all of the films they finance. The comments I heard from people who were not previously fans included one woman who said she was going across the street right then to buy their new cd.

I highly recommend both the documentary and the new cd. You can watch a video of the first release from Taking the Long Way here.

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