11 May 2013


Pink by Lili Wilkinson is a novel about discovery.

Ava is about to change schools. She wants to change her image and feels the only way she can try out a new look and try to find out who she really is is to start over somewhere else. Her parents and her girlfriend have different reactions. Her parents are happy that she will be attending a high school for smart kids. Her girlfriend is not happy about it.But Ava wants to go from an goth, politically radical lesbian to trying to be "normal." Plus she secretly likes the color pink. So now she can wear pink and meet different people.

The Billy Hughes School for Academic Excellence in Melbourne is about to put on a musical. Her new friend convinces Ava to try out for a part. When she doesn't make it into the play she joins stage crew as a way to still hang out with her new friends in the play. But stage crew, or the screws, are not friends with the actors.

The screws are people who know who they are and are themselves in spite of being in high school. Ava will have to decide who she is and if she is willing to let others meet the real her.

Wilkinson has written a coming of age novel filled with many different types of people. Great read for all teens, including GLBTQ youth who are still figuring out where they fit.

Wilkinson, Lili. (2009). Pink. New York: HarperTeen.

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