15 May 2012

The Miseducation of Cameron Post

The Miseducation of Cameron Post by Emily Danforth is a coming of age story about a girl who is becoming someone her community does not want her to become - and their reaction to her "lifestyle."

At the beginning of the book, in 1989, Cam is enjoying her junior high school summer break with her best friend when her parents are killed in a car accident. Her first reaction is relief that they will never know she has been kissing another girl. But Cam's range of feelings and stages of grief are also influenced by the fact that her Aunt Ruth, who comes to live with her, a very religious. And not just religious, but evangelical, right-wing conservative religious.

Readers will follow Cam through swim team, track, and being a lifeguard. She does a good job of staying under the radar while watching every movie made and experimenting with a few girls - that is, until she meets Coley Taylor.

While she is spending time with Coley, Cam is caught and sent to God's Promise Residential Discipleship Program to find her way closer to God and forget about her incorrect ways. Of course, a school full of queer kids who range from those who want to become straight to those who feel there is nothing wrong with being gay is the perfect place to find yourself if you are a tough young lesbian.

Danforth has created a brilliant, positive queer novel for anyone who has been through the process of coming to terms with themselves and/or coming out. Great book!

Danforth, Emily. (2012). The Miseducation of Cameron Post. New York: Balzer and Bray.

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