01 November 2007

Magic Lessons (Magic or Madness #2)

Magic Lesson is Justine Larbalestier's second book in the Magic or Madness trilogy. Reason, Tom and Jay-Tee are in Sydney to begin magic lessons with Esmeralda, Reason's grandmother.

They already know that they have two choices about magic - use it or go mad. Of course, the more you use magic the more you use up magic. Once you are out you die. So the only logical choice it to use as little as possible only as often as needed to survive the longest. Doesn't sound like magic is quite as fun as we thought!

Before they can further their knowledge, someone or something tries to break through the door - the back door to Esmeralda's house in Sydney, Australia that opens in the East Village of New York City. Is it Jason Blake? Or is it someone else? And whoever it is, why are they trying to get through the door?

Larbalestier, Justine. (2007). Magic Lessons. New York: Razorbill.

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