05 May 2007

Beyond the Pale

Elana Dykewoman's Beyond the Pale is a an epic tale of a Jewish lesbians. Set between 1860 and 1912, the novel follows the story of Gukte and Chava.

Gukte is a midwife who emigrates to New York's lower east side with her partner who passes as a man. Their story is interwoven with the story of Chava Mayer, a orphaned girl who comes to America with her cousin Rose and her family.

The novel tells the story of Russian Jewish immigrants, as well as the story of New York. Included themes - sweatshop labor, anti-Semitism, strikes, sexual harassment. Historical figures, events and speeches are woven into the story including the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, the Women's Trade Union League with its leaders, and more.

This is an amazing book that was thoroughly researched. Read it!

Dykewoman, Elana. (1997). Beyond the Pale. London:Press Gang.

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