03 May 2016

Merchant of Alyss (Legends of the Realm #2)

Merchant of Alyss by Thomas Locke is the second book in his Legends of the Realm fantasy series.

Hyam, the reluctant hero who fought the Red Mage, is slowly recovering from battle. He and his wife, Joelle, live outside of Fallmouth Port. The city has grown with those who are against the tyrant king and want to live under a reasonable ruler - the rightful ruler of the realm.

When a mage arrives with a cart full of ancient scrolls, Hyam is drawn toward their power. Though no one else can even see writing on the page, Hyam can see and read the forbidden language of the Milantian. Also included are two small scrolls in a language Hyam has never seen.

The Earl puts together a group to travel with Hyam and Joelle to find more scrolls and a way to translate the new language. But their quest will soon change focus as evidence of a new evil appears.

Locke's first Legends of the Realm book, Emissary, is one of the best fantasy books I have read. Merchant of Alyss is of equal interest and quality. This is a great series for fantasy fans - and an approachable series for those who are not yet fans of the genre.

Locke, Thomas. (2016). Merchant of Alyss. Grand Rapids, MI: Revell.

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