05 April 2015

Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong

Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong by Prudence Shen and Faith Erin Hicks is the story of high school and what happens when the school leaves it up to the student council to decide who gets the limited funding - the cheerleaders or the robotics club.

Charlie is minding his own business when his neighbor and classmate informs him that the school doesn't have enough money for both new cheerleader uniforms and the national robotics competition. Since Charlie used to date the head cheerleader, Nate thinks he needs to hear the unjust story of it all.

When Nate decides to run for school council president so he can vote where to use the money, the cheerleaders decide to elect Charlie. As the captain of the basketball team, he is popular and they think he will vote their way - because he is scared of them.

Creative ways to get money for both projects lead to compromise and working together - for groups that do not mix at most schools. Shen and Hicks have written a fun read that graphic novel readers will enjoy.

Shen, Prudence and Faith Erin Hicks. (2013). Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong. New York: First Second Books.

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