09 April 2010

Kingston by Starlight

Kingston by Starlight by Christopher John Farley is a fictionalized account of the famous Irish pirate Anne Bonny and her shipmates Calico Jack and Read.

Anne Bonny, one of the most famous female pirates, joined a privateer ship disguised as a man named Bonn. She sailed under Captain Jack Rackman, known as Calico Jack. Their ship was infamous in the waters around Jamaica.

Beautifully written, Farley creates a story where gender is fluid, mystery and adventure reign, and Bonn's life unfolds as a heroic man and a passionate woman intent to live life to the fullest in spite of the societal norms of the day. Kingston by Starlight is an excellent pirate story as well as a tender account of the path of one's heart.

This book reminds me some of the writing of Anne-Marie MacDonnald and the stories of Ellen Kushner.

Farley, Christopher John. (2005). Kingston by Starlight. New York: Three Rivers Press.

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