09 April 2008

A Pickpocket's Tale

A Pickpocket's Tale by Karen Schwabach is the story of Molly Simon.

Molly, born in London, is a pickpocket. She has been since her mother died. She is good at what she does and never gets caught. But when a fellow thief turns her in for a reward, she is sentenced to be sold as an indentured servant in the American colonies.

Luckily for Molly, she is Jewish. The Jewish communities of London and New York have been watching who is shipped to the colonies. They make sure Jews are bought by Jewish families, giving the criminals a chance to reform and learn more about Judaism. Besides, it is a mitzvah to give them a second chance.

Although Molly is bought by a caring family, her only thought is to get back to London. As she grows throughout the book, she denies that she is changing until one selfless act makes her realize that she is where she belongs.

Schwabach has captured the 1730s in this novel, written partly in the slang of London, Flash-cant. Her description are so detailed you can taste the smelly air of New York.

Schwabach, Karen. (2006). A Pickpocket's Tale. New York: Random House.

*Can you imagine that there was ever a time when NYC had a population of only 8,000?!? I think that many people ride the train with me every morning!

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