06 January 2008

The Killing (CHERUB #4)

Mission 4 of Robert Muchamore's CHERUB series is The Killing.

James and Dave, the CHERUB James worked with in his last mission, are assigned to infiltrate a crime ring. And ex-CHERUB turned police captain has requested help. She has been tyring to clean up the neighborhood, but there is one man who has been escaping the law for almost 30 years.

James and Dave pose as brothers. Dave, 17, is now old enough to live on his own and James is living with him as long as he stays out of trouble. If he gets into trouble his "social worker" aka mission handler, will send him back to foster care.

Once the boys become friendly with the family in question, they realize that the crime might extend to police corruption.
Muchamore, Robert. (2005). The Killing. New York: Simon Pulse.

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