08 November 2023

Cleat Cute

Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner is a lesbian sports romance set mostly in New Orleans.

Phoebe Matthews is going to be a professional soccer player. She has been drafted to the New Orleans Krewe of the NWSL. She has a couple of weeks before she is due at practice when she is called to camp for potential US national team players.

Grace Henderson is a national soccer star, playing professionally for ten years even though she is only 26 years old. She is the captain of the Krewe and the National Team. Grace thinks players should be serious, not like this new kid, 22 years old, but full of energy and making jokes.

Grace is Phoebe's idol. She actually has Grace's poster on her wall in her childhood bedroom. Now she has to follow Grace-the-captain while not making a fool of herself - an not stare or drool!

Wilsner has created a steamy romance for soccer fans. Fun read. 

Wilsner, Meryl. (2023). Cleat Cute. New York: St. Martin's Griffin.

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