30 October 2023

A Shot in the Dark

A Shot in the Dark by Victoria Lee is a steamy queer romance. 

Elisheva Cohen left New York eight years ago when she was kicked out of her Orthodox Jewish community. She has just moved from LA to NYC for an art school program with her favorite mix media artist. She just got off of the plane and is going to meet her new roommates. She is not sure how it will feel to be back in NYC, but feels unlikely to ever visit Brooklyn again.

Luckily, her roommates turn out to be great. Though she starts class in the morning, they insist on taking her to a queer club tonight to celebrate. 

Wyatt Cole is from a North Carolina military family. He is an artist who is gaining fame, but most people don't know what he looks like. He is very private. He has been invited to teach a course on mixed media art at a prestigious NY art school. 

Lee has written a romance story with two very real-feeling characters. Both Elisheva and Wyatt have things in their past they have not completely made peace with. And both are in recovery. And when they meet at a queer dance club, they will have no idea they are about to become teacher and student...

Lee, Victoria. (2023). A Shot in the Dark. New York: Dell.

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