26 November 2022

The World We Make (Great Cities #2)

The World We Make by N.K. Jemisin is the conclusion to her Great Cities science fiction series. 

New York City's avatars have kept the Woman in White mostly in check - other than her taking over Staten Island. But their enemy from another dimension has not given up on destroying NYC - she has just changed tactics.

A mayoral candidate who is spreading hate and want to regain a never-happened time from the past is causing strife in the city. Strife that could ultimately change the very character of the city. Now the avatars must figure out how to keep NYC itself.

Jemisin is an amazing writer! If you have not read any of her series, you are missing out. This exciting and timely conclusion to her Cities series is imaginative and brilliant. I will read every book NK Jemisin ever writes!

Jemisin, NK. (2022). The World We Make. New York: Orbit.

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