30 January 2021

The Bookshop on the Corner (Kirrinfief #1)

The Bookshop on the Corner by Jenny Colgan is the first book in her romance series that takes place in Kirrinfief, Scotland. (First published under the name The Little Shop of Happily-Ever-After.)

Nina Redmond is a librarian. Her job and calling in life is to find the right book for each person. But when her library branch is downsized she doesn't know what she is going to do. The library sends them to a training where they are encouraged to find some other job, as there will only be a few open spots for the many employees being displaced.

The workshop leader asks Nina what she would do if she could do anything in the world. She says open a bookstore. Her roommate agrees - there are so many books in their flat she is concerned the floors will give out soon!

Because she doesn't want the overhead of a shop, it is suggested to her to find a van and create a mobile shop. Taking a risk she travels from London to a village in Scotland where someone is selling a bread van. 

Colgan has created romance series set in the beautiful but start land of Kirrinfief, near Loch Ness. Her book is funny, sweet and endearing. A perfect vacation read.

Colgan, Jenny. (2016). The Bookshop on the Corner. New York: William Morrow.

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