28 December 2020

Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky #1)

Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse is a great book and the first in her Between Earth and Sky series. 

Celestial prophesies say that on the day of the black sun there will be a reckoning. In the city of Tova the solstice is a time of celebration and renewal as the sun completes the year and comes back for a new one. The Sun Priest will lead the ceremony to ensure that it does.

Captain Xiala, a Teek sailor whose song can calm the waters and call a breeze, is hired to get a blind man to the city of Tova. He must arrive before the convergence. This will require cutting across the sea instead of following the shoreline. 

Serapio, the blind man, is anything but harmless. He has been training almost since birth to perform one act.; It has to be done as the sky darkens - before the sun can be brought back for a new year.

Roanhorse has created a wonderful fantasy series set in the pre-Colombian Americas. This is one of the best books I read in 2020!

Roanhorse, Rebecca. (2020). Black Sun. New York: Saga Press.

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