09 November 2020

Music From Another World

Music From Another World by Robin Talley is a discovery of new ideas as two students in California are assigned as pen pals by their conservative religious high schools. 1977

Tammy Larson, in Orange County, attends a conservative Christian school started by her aunt. To try to process what she is being asked to do, she starts a diary to Harvey Milk.

Sharon Hawkins, in San Francisco, has just found out her brother is gay. She joins him for a protest of an anti-gay bills passage in Florida. The protest is led by Harvey Milk, who is running for office. 

Sharon and Tammy find they have something in common - punk music. Sharon goes to a club in the Castro and hears local punk women and Tammy has found Patti Smith. Neither had heard music that matched their feeling before. 

Talley is a historical fiction master. She always chooses interesting times to set her novels of strong young women. 

Talley, Robin. (2020). Music From Another World. New York: Inkyard Press.

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