30 October 2011

Legend (Legend #1)

Legend by Marie Lu is the first book in her dystopian series by the same name. It is also her debut novel though you would not know it by the writing or the story.

Sometime in the future, after world war, plagues and more, the Republic of America is formed. It comprises the western half of what is now the United States. Territories to the East of the Republic are referred to as the Colonies, and are at war with the Republic.

June Iparis was born into a wealthy district of Los Angeles and therefore had every privilege. She lives with her older brother Matias. She is the youngest person at her college - a school for those who earn the highest scores on their Trials.

Trials, taken at age 10, determine where you will go in life. A high score means high school and college. A low score means that you will skip high school and begin working in a factory or other dangerous job. If you fail the test you will be sent to a work camp.

Day was born in one of the poorest sections of the Los Angeles region. And he failed his Trials. But he escaped the fate proscribed by the government. He is now the most infamous of criminals. His goal is to fight back against the system.

When June's brother is killed she is pulled out of school and told to track the killer - whom she is told was Day. Usually Day does not hurt people when committing crimes. Now June will go undercover to the Lake district to hunt for her brother's killer.

Lu's first book in the Legend series will grab readers and have them pacing until the next book is published. It is a well-crafted story with compelling characters that readers will relate to and who will be loyally followed through out the series. Legend is a look at one possible future for America (and the world) based on the prejudice and privilege that already exist in our society today. Buy a copy on November 29th when it is released!

Lu, Marie. (2011). Legend. New York: G.P.Putnam's Sons.

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