12 April 2011

Small Saul

Small Saul by Ashley Spires is the story of a small and unusual pirate.

Saul loved the sea. He had loved the sea ever since he was a child. When he got old enough he applied to join the Navy, but he was not tall enough.

That was when he enrolled in Pirate College - pirates are not as picky as the Navy. He excelled at sing sea shanties, but not at sword work.

His first ship was The Rusty Squid. Though he was not what the other pirates though a pirate should be, Saul makes the ship his home.

Spires has written and illustrated the book beautifully. It is a tale of following your dreams and making the most of you situation.

Spires, Ashley. (2011). Small Saul. Toronto, Ontario: Kids Can Press.

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