13 January 2011

Rogue Wave

Rogue Wave by Boyd Morrison is the terrifying story of a tsunami headed for Hawaii.

An apparent earthquake in the Pacific sends a wave outward toward the Pacific islands including Hawaii. After two false alarms in the last few years, Kai Tanaka at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii does not want to issue a Tsunami warning unless there is actually a wave headed toward the islands.

Though time is precious, he decides to wait until the buoy at Christmas Island. It is not likely that the magnitude of the earthquake would cause a Tsunami. Then again, the area of the quake is not on any type of geology that should cause a quake.

Soon it is confirmed that a mega-Tsunami is on its way to Hawaii. The usual evacuation of the beaches -which tells people to go to the major hotels above the 4th floor - will not work with the size of the wave that is coming. And what many people do not know, including the thousands of tourists on the beaches of Hawaii, is that there is more than one wave to a Tsunami.

Kai's wife is the manager of one of the largest hotels. It is her responsibility to get her guests to safety, but how much can she do before she is endangering her own life for others who do not understand the danger in spite of the warnings. Kai's daughter and friend are on Waikiki beach. And the Warning Center is too close to the shore to withstand the first wave.

Morrison has written a great disaster novel full of stress and adrenaline. It is a must-read for adventure fans. Not cheesy like the usual disaster movie, this book will give you nightmares after you stay up too late to finish reading.

Morrison, Boyd. (2010). Rogue Wave. New York: Pocket Books.

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