30 December 2010


Fish by Gregory Mone is a swashbuckling pirate adventure.

Maurice Reidy - nicknamed Fish because he loves to swim - is one of nine siblings growing up on a farm in historical Ireland. Though he tries his best, he is not a good farm worker. So when the family has to send one of the children off to work in the city and send money back, Fish is the best choice.

In the city, Fish is a messenger for his uncle. When he is given a package to take to a ship, a dirty boy steals it out of Fish's hand. Fish swims after the boy and ends up on the pirate ship Scurvy Mistress. Though his goal is to steal back the package and deliver it to its destination, his plans are waylaid.

Soon Fish is treated as almost one of the crew. And the package he was following may be clues that lead to the greatest treasure ever.

Mone has written a great pirate story with colorful characters, high seas adventure, treasure hunting, and more. It is a must-read for pirate fans of all ages.

Mone, Gregory. (2010). Fish. New York: Scholastic Press.

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