18 October 2010

It's a Book

It's a Book by Lane Smith is the best picture book I have read in a while.

There are three characters in this book that seems simple but packs a punch - a monkey, a mouse and a jackass.

Monkey is trying to read his book while Jackass asks questions about it - questions like how do you scroll down?, does it need a password?, etc... At one point, after Monkey reads a passages from the book to Jackass, Jackass reduces the entire passage to two lines of text language.

This is a must have book for any adult who has noticed the trend of young people to ignore the printed word and focus only on electronic gadgets. It is a brilliant comment on the times in which we currently live.

Buy a copy today!

Smith, Lane. (2010). It's a Book. New York: Roaring Book Press.

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