06 September 2007

Dragondrums (Harper Hall Trilogy #3)

Dragondrums is the final book in Anne McCaffrey's Harper Hall Trilogy. This book follows the adventures of Piemur, Menolly's first friend at Harper Hall.

Piemur came to the Hall as a singer. He was always forced to sing the girl parts, as there were no female harpers and his voice was in the right range. But when he arrived he was young and his voice had yet to change. What use will he be at Harper Hall when his voice starts to change?

Luckily the Masterharper has a plan for Piemur that does not use his singing voice. He will be apprenticed to the Masterdrummer. Drums are used in Pern to send messages between Holds, Forts and Weyrs.

Piemur, being known as much for his pranks as for his voice, gets himself into trouble as easy as he breathes. How will he get himself out of the mess he get into at a Gather in Nabol Hold?

McCaffrey, Anne. (1979). Dragondrums. New York: Bantam Books.

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