25 February 2023

Hijab Butch Blues

Hijab Butch Blues, written under the alias of Lamya H, is the memoir of a queer Muslim finding their place in the world. 

When Lamya was 4 years old, her family moved from her birth country to a rich Arab country. They moved for a better job for her father. But in the new country, the family had to make changes – her mother could no longer drive, they could go nowhere without being accompanied by her father, and she had to start over at a school where she knew no one. 

At seventeen, Lamya starts over again in the United States, purposely moving away from family for college. 

A devout Muslim, they use the lens of a feminist reading of the Koran as signpost of their life. This is a beautiful memoir of faith, choices and chosen family.

H, Lamya. (2023). Hijab Butch Blues. New York: The Dial Press.

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