18 August 2023

Resolute (Kris Longknife #4)

Resolute by Mike Shephard is the fourth book in his space opera series featuring Kris Longknife

To get the trouble-making (for some) Kris Longknife out of the way, she is assigned to a planet on the Rim. The planet Chance is one not many people have even heard of. She is to take over the guarding of two jump gates. 

When Kris arrives, with Jack, Penny and Abby, the station she is assigned to has been mothballed. The ship they arrived on is more a floating museum than a proper Navy ship. And she has no personnel - everyone from Chance has been retired and moved back to the planet. 

With her usual "luck" five Greenhaven ships enter the far star gate. Greenhaven has been commandeering planets since the alliance with Earth broke down. Now Kris has just a few days to invent a way to defend Chance space.

Shephard has created a badass character in Kris Longknife. This series is every entertaining. 

Shephard, Mike. (2006). Resolute. New York: ACE Books.

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