02 May 2023

The White Lady

The White Lady by Jacqueline Winspear is another example of her amazing storytelling! If you don't yet know her work, seek it out today at your local bookstore or library.

Elinor White was born in Belgium. She was ten when the Germans invaded. Her father left to join the army. Elinor, along with her older sister and mother were just moments late to escape by train. Now they will try to ride out the war without being noticed by the soldiers. 

Then one day Isabelle comes to their door. She wants the three of them to go on a picnic above the train tracks. And while there count the number of trains and their details. The Germans will likely overlook three women on a hill trying to make the most of the day.

In 1947, Elinor is now living in an estate in the English countryside - in a home given to her for her service as a spy in both world wars. She keeps to herself. But when she sees the young couple down the lane being harassed by to men from London, she feels the need to get involved.

Winspear's words will pull you in within the first page and take you on a thoughtful, suspenseful read. She is one of my favorite authors. 

Winspear, Jacqueline. (2022). The White Lady. New York: Harper. 

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