11 December 2022

Here to Stay

Here to Stay by Sara Farizan is the story of high school jealousy leading to a racial slur. 

Bijan Majidi gets called to fill in for an empty spot on the varsity basketball team. When one of the senior players fouls out, Bijan is put in. He is a good player who is getting his chance to prove himself - but the player he is replacing blames Bijan for showing him up.

The next day everyone at school receives an email of Bijan dressed as a Jihadi. Suddenly his loyalty and Americanism is being questioned. 

Farizan is known for her wonderful characters who have to deal with the problems of being non-white in America. Her writing is beautiful, poignant and compelling, Read all of her books.

Farizan, Sara. (2018). Here to Stay. New York: Algonquin.

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