12 February 2022

The Lola Quartet

The Lola Quartet by Emily St. John Mandel follows journalist Gavin Sasaki as he heads from New York City to his hometown of Sebastian, Florida for a story.

While in town on a story of how the wilds of Florida are both getting closer to people's homes as development expands and is getting more dangerous as exotic pets are released when their humans cannot handle them anymore, Gavin has dinner with his sister Elio. Elio is a real estate agent who deals with foreclosures. 

While in a house, Elio saw a young girl who looked exactly like her. When she asked the girl's name, be suspected that the little girl was Gavin's with his high school girlfriend. Elio took a photo of the girl.

The photo has two different effects. Gavin begins a search for his ex-girlfriend - who never told him that she was pregnant. And the woman with whom the girl was staying thinks she has been found by a man that has been hunting for her most of her life. 

Mandel has written a tense, twisty novel that follows Gavin's search for his high school girlfriend. Told in flashbacks as he interviews the people he grew up with, a story unfolds of both circumstance and choices. Mandel is a masterful storyteller.

Mandel, Emily St. John. (2012). The Lola Quartet. New York: Unbridled Books.

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