26 November 2020

Ayesha at Last

Ayesha at Last by Uzma Jalaluddin is a retelling of Pride & Prejudice set in a Muslim community in Toronto, Canada. 

Ayesha Shamsi is a substitute teacher. She writes poetry. And she is considered too old to marry. She is focused on her career and is comfortable with who she has become. 

Her younger cousin Hafsa is in the process of finding a husband. Her goal seems to be someone handsome and rich. She trusts the process of arranged marriages.

Khalid Mirza works for a large technology company. He has been praised for his work but his new boss seems to want him out due to his traditional wardrobe. As a devout Muslim he feels most comfortable wearing a robe and a long beard. 

Clara, Ayesha's best friend and Khalid's co-worker has a plan to set them up. But after a rough introduction, a false assumption and mistaken identity, they are off to a bad start. 

Jalaluddin has written a wonderful love story set in the Canadian Muslim community. 

Jalaluddin, Uzma. (2018). Ayesha at Last. New York: Berkley.

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