08 July 2020

4 3 2 1

4 3 2 1 by Paul Auster is four stories in one - how one decision could lead to four possible lives for Archie Ferguson.

Born in 1947 in New Jersey, and with twentieth century American history as a backdrop, each of the possibilities branch from one night when Archie is a still a boy when something happens at his father's appliance store. In each version the night is slightly different and branches out from there.

In each version there are overlapping people - family and friends who play a role. In each version Archie chooses a different path based on how his life changed that night. One night that alters how he sees the world.

Auster is a master of a beautifully told story. This one is wonderful to contemplate as it is being read. Read any of his books and you will want to read all of the others.

Auster, Paul. (2017). 4 3 2 1. New York: Picador.

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